

Clara here
I want to eat and sleep with no consequences.


Cai Yun
Chuan Yun
Hui Yu
Jia Hao
Yu Ting

Friday, March 04, 2011, 1:35 PM

after taking such a long break from posting, or even just writing something that has nothing to do with the economy, i am kind of stun at what to write.

we are at a stage in life where we want to do everything and be everybody, but we cant. we have to decide which direction we would like to head in. and we will never know if we made the "right" choice because we cant reverse our route and try out a different path for comparison.

as we grow, our ability to make friends seems to shrink as well. many tend to guard their feelings and emotions. its tough to find someone who dares to be true. kudos to those.

friends come and go. it cant be more true in uni. there are just too many distractions. it rides back to the fact that we want to do so much more and not many place friendship as a top piority in their to do list. relationship takes effort. its more than a "are you okay?" or eating meals everyday in the canteen together.

thank god we have old friends to lean on.

some of you have been coming to this real stagnant blog dilligently. thanks for that. i know you want to find up what the hell im up to. i have been really busy (mostly dance), trapped in pulau NTU. but i shall make a come back after march 14! Promise!

i was once told that god created us and he has a mission for each of us on this planet. so we search day in day out for that sparkle that may be hidden somewhere, just waiting to shine. for some, we discover that in school, others, we can only continue searching.

somehow i entrenched onto the path of dancing. dont be mistaken it is so not my god given talent. but over the years it did bring me tremendous joy.
this may very likely be the last 3 years i would be dancing.
this year i actually have the chance to lead a team of dancers and choroegraph.its a whole new experience really. and my head just spins everyday over this.
this is what i have been busy with.
now we have less than one week.
how do miracles happen again?

there can be miracle when you believe.

you know i dont talk to god, or ask him for guidance or seek comfort in him.
(p.s. i am not referring to any particular religion)
but god, you may not have given me the talent or flair in dancing but nonetheless i am still in this path for a reason.

let this work.

turn if you dare

Monday, July 26, 2010, 11:52 PM

so long since i last posted. so mach have happened. so many stupid decisions, many regretted.

I think i changed, very much for the worst since school ended. The anchors i used to have seems to disappear and i am latching onto things that i wished i could let go. i never felt so out of control of my emotions as well.

gosh, i need therapy. but first i need a long hard sleep.

Sunday, May 09, 2010, 1:54 PM

i am not the kind of person who thinks my birthday is kind of a big deal.
to hold parties or do something exotic.
to me is just like any other day other than the fact that i was born.
like a down scale (one out of 4 million) national day.
it used to always clash with examinations where i will be rushing through revision while my family make an effort to buy me a cake.
why should people trouble themselves just so to celebrate the day i was born?

well perhaps is like a self-assurance day or day that you see the people who cares. but i guess it made me realise that friendship is hard to come by. i believe in fate. there must be a reason why you meet this person.

want to give a BIG THANK YOU for all the awesome wii, htht session, dancing surprises, k box sessions where i insert all my songs (hahaha), ice cream chef free mix up!, melted ice cream...
although ally bailed on me. tsk!

i miss my sec and JC life where i laugh(heartily)everyday.
i think about each of my friend and how they made such an impact on my life that it aches me that i cannot spend more time with them. to know each of you better.

love you guys! REALLY!

ohhh i am not giving up on dancing just yet!

jade, jenn, ying shi, camilie, grace, si jia its going to be awesome!

i have a dream and i hope i have the courage to pursue it!

Saturday, April 17, 2010, 2:07 AM

i feel strangely detached from the world, cutting of friends, family, avoiding people. it gets really tiring.
i just need to play it cool.

tired and awake.

think i might have just made a huge error.

Thursday, March 11, 2010, 12:58 AM
i said good day!

today is a good day.

no work, so SA.

talked to people i want to talk to online.

met huiwen when i went for tutoring! dropped my candy due to shocked but met up with her after and had a really great time catching up!

no pudding milk tea. sad.

all in all good day. i said good day.
